Sea Eagle 370 vs. 330

Sea Eagle 330

The Sea Eagle 370 and 330 are both incredibly popular inflatable kayaks, but which is the best one for you? If you’ve narrowed down your hunt to one of these models and are just trying to determine which one to buy, this article will hopefully make your decision a little bit easier.


If price is the most important consideration, then the Sea Eagle 330 obviously wins out. Paddlers on a tight budget will want to go with the SE 330 as long as the smaller size is not a problem.

Optional Configurations

If you’ll primarily be using your Sea Eagle kayak for fishing, we would recommend that you opt for the Sea Eagle 370 Sport Fishing package. The 330 is currently not offered in a fishing configuration.

Other than this recommendation, the packages offered are fairly similar with the exception of a solo kayak configuration offered with the 330.


Both the 330 and 370 are built with the same materials and will provide you with the same level of durability. All of Sea Eagle’s inflatable kayaks are built to last, and they feature an industry leading 3 year warranty and 180-day risk free trial period.


The shorter 330 has the edge in the maneuverability department, measuring in at 11’2″ vs. the longer 12’5″ 370. The SE330 also weighs 6 pounds less, which makes it easier to handle out of the water as well.

Carrying Capacity

Both kayaks are capable of supporting two paddlers, but the 370 can handle 150 additional pounds. The maximum weight capacity of the Sea Eagle 370 is 650 pounds, while the max capacity of the 330 is only 500 pounds.

If you plan on paddling with additional gear, we would recommend the 370 for it’s roomier interior and increased weight capacity.

Final Thoughts

We hope that this article has done a good job of highlighting the main differences between the popular Sea Eagle 330 and 370 kayaks. Both are extremely affordable, well-built inflatable kayaks that you’re sure to enjoy, but it’s important to choose the one that’s right for your needs. For additional information on each model, we’d recommend reading our SE 370 and SE 330 reviews.

Whichever one you ultimately decide on, we hope that it will bring you many years of wonderful paddling adventures!


One Response

  1. james mccarthy September 13, 2019

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